Saturday, February 28, 2009

Never Ending Sickness!

We'll our household has been sick it seems like for over a month now. We have had everything you can think of. Over a week ago, I started with a Sinus infection that went into bronchittis & pneumonia. Then last weekend Jeff started getting sick and he ended up with a sinus infection, double ear infection, bronchittis and pneumonia. He is just now getting over it and now Chloe has it. She started running a fever last night and complaining with her throat hurting. So I took her to the Little Clinic today and she has the start of bronchittis and pneumonia. I am so tired of us being sick. I just want to know will it ever end???

The start of painting

We'll last night I finally start painting Chloe's room. I figured I better get started since we are planning on painting the living room and basement too. Painting is not our favorite thing to do but we are tired of the the white walls. We are color people! So, when I got home from work last night, I started in her room and got the first coat of paint on. I finished up this morning and now I am just waiting for it to dry so we can put everything up. Chloe's favorite color is pink so we did the top half a light pink and the bottom half a darker pink. It turned out better then I thought. Here are some before and during pictures. Once I get everything back in, I will have an after picture.

Family Birthday Party.

The birthday people

Some of the gang.

Chloe with her new book and stuff animal

The cake.

We'll we finally hosted our first "Family Birthday Party" for Jeff's family. We have been hesitant to have one b/c there are many, many kids and we didn't want our house destroyed but it went really good and we had a good time. We were celebrating the February birthday's which were Chloe, Shelby, Jerry, Stanley and Julie. Everyone loved the house and had a good time.

Baby Brayden's Welcom Shower

Brayden wearing his hat Chloe picked out.

Brayden and Mommy

Opening presents

The cake

Chloe and Brayden.

Last Saturday we had a Welcome shower for Brayden. We are so excited to have him here and in our family. Aunt Ann had the shower at her house and Christy, Kara and I helped her plan it. I of course did the cake which turned out better then I thought. Theresa got lots of presents and Brayden got passed around a lot. Imagine that! We had a good time.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Circus Time

The cousins w/ the kiddo's

Aren't they cute

Chloe, me and baby Brayden

The Thornton Clan

Joshua w/ his cotton candy

Chloe w/ her pony

She loves riding the ponies

Every year since Chloe turned one, we have gone to the circus the same weekend as her birthday. We always go with my cousin Kara and her family, my sister and family and Jeff's family. We love it and look forward to it every year. This year was special because my cousin Theresa finally has a baby boy and went with us for the first time. I honestly didn't get to take a lot of pictures this year b/c I was busy holding sweet Brayden. Chloe of course rode the ponies and she even rode the elephants this year. We had a wonderful time and look forward to next year.

Chloe's 6th BD Party

The girls ready to settle down

Playing "Pretty, Pretty Princess"

All the Princess's and Prince's

Make a wish

Ready to open presents

The Princess w/ her make up

Aunt Sarah making the Princess complete

Chloe and her Castle Cake

Princess Chloe

Castle Cake

We'll the day finally came for Chloe's bd party. She woke up so excited and couldn't wait for all her friends to come. I was feeling much better and was glad because I needed all the energy I could get! We started the party off by letting the girls get make up on and then the boys got to decorate crowns. We were waiting on one child to get there so we let Chloe open presents. She did not object to that at all. LOL. Once all the presents were open, the kids had a treasure hunt with 6 clues. They loved and did so good. Then we proceeded to have cake and ice cream. I think the party was a success and Chloe had a wonderful time. She then had three friends spend the night and they had a blast and were so good. I still can't believe she is six now!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Sick Again!!

We'll I woke up this morning sick with the stomach bug! This will be the 2nd time I have gotten it. To top it off, I have so much to do to get ready for Chloe's birthday party tomorrow, which includes decorating her cakes. I am so aggrevated and haven't been able to get out of bed except to run to the bathroom. Chloe even had to stay home from school because I couldn't stay out of the bathroom long enough to take her to school. I am just praying I start feeling better so I can get things done for the party tomorrow.

Happy 6th BD Chloe!!

Thursday was Chloe's 6th Birthday. It is so hard to believe that she is 6 now. I remember waiting so anxiously for her to be born and now she is 6 and in school. Chloe was so happy to wake up and it finally be here birthday. I met her at school for lunch and brought a balloon and cupcakes for her class. You could tell she was eating up all the attention. I wish I could have spent the whole day with her but I am glad I could at least eat with her. Later that evening we went to mawmaw's for a birthday dinner. We decided to do that so that pawpaw Gambrell could come and not have to be there for her party w/ all the kids. LOL. So, it was mommy, daddy, mawmaw, pawpaw, Aunt Christy, Jordan, Joshua, granny and Pappy. We had a wonderful dinner and she got lots of wonderful presents! Pictures will come soon.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Nothing to exciting going on here lately. We are just busy this week getting things ready for Chloe's 6th Birthday party on Saturday. Her actual birthday is Thursday but we are having her party Saturday. I love having parties for her but it sure is a lot of work for mommy!