Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Halloween night @ Dance

Chloe posing with her goody bags

The girls enjoying the treats

All the girls.

Tonight was Chloe's regular dance night and since it is Halloween week they were able to wear their costumes. I must say, I have never seen so many fairies and princess's in one place. They all looked so cute and they were very excited to see each other's costume. Towards the end of the class, the parents were asked to come in and help the girl's get all of their "stuff". They had four different goody bags and 2 cupcakes. They were all sugared up. Yippee.

Another Tooth is Gone!!!

I can't believe it but Chloe has lost her second tooth. Sunday we were sure it was going to come out but Chloe wouldn't let us touch it. When I picked her up from school on Monday, she was grinning real big and holding an envelope. Yep, it came out. She said she was chewing a piece of gum and pushed it with her tongue and out it came. She was so excited. She was even more excited to think that the tooth fairy was coming. She came straight home from school and put the envelope under her pillow. When she woke up Tuesday morning, she was holding a $1. Who knew someone could get so excited over a $1. She was so cute, she said "Mommy, I need to write the tooth fairy a note and tell her thank you". Aren't they just so darn cute??

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Huber's w/ MawMaw

Jordan sound asleep

Mawmaw & Chloe sleeping

Joshua sleeping

Chloe loved riding the pony

In the corn maze
Look likes fun

So beautiful

Chloe catching a ride

Let's pay for the pumpkins

Chloe wanted to make sure the pumpkin didn't roll off

This lady tried to take a picture of all of us.

They finally found the perfect one

Me and Chloe

We found the perfect pumpkins
We love them.

Hayride out to the pumpkin patch

Mawmaw & the kiddo's waiting in line

Last Sunday after church we headed back to Huber's but this time we went with mawmaw, Aunt Christy, Joshua and Jordan. None of the guys could go so we went with out them. It was really crowded but it was a lot cooler then the weekend before. We headed to the pumpkin patch first and then we headed over to the play area to feed the animals and play. After we were there for quite a while, we all decided to get a snack. We had the most delicious ice cream. On the way home everyone feel asleep except me, who was driving.

Slow Poke Farm

In the pumpkin patch
Waiting for the tractor

How hilarious!!

She was afraid the cow would get her.

Me & Lori (BFF)

In the corn maze

Abby & Chloe getting ready to go in the corn maze

Me & the girls in the hay maze

Chloe, Abby & Taegan
Alex & Chloe

Last Saturday(the 17th) we went to slow poke farm with our sunday school class. We weren't sure what to expect because no one had ever been there but we all had a blast. When we first got there we ate our chili, hot dogs and PB sandwiches. Yum it was all so good. Then the kids played on the swings and in the hay maze. Then we took a hay ride to the corn maze so we could pick corn to feed the cows. They loved the corn a little too much. After that we headed to the pumpkin patch and picked some mini pumpkins. We had a wonderful time with all our friends.

Friday, October 17, 2008

Fall Festival

Chloe playing ladder ball

Playing Cornhole

Joshua playing skeeball while Jordan & Chloe wait.

I have a ticket

Chloe & her friend Tasha

Tonight Chloe had her fall festival at school. Mawmaw, Aunt Christy, Jordan and Joshua went with us too. There were lots of games to play and lots of food to eat too. The kids had lots of tickets and won lots of prize money to shop with. Chloe ended up with a huge barbie ball and a baton that is very colorful. I am sure the school made lots of money because it was very packed.

Chloe's Pumpkin

Chloe wanted to do something different with her pumpkin she picked from Huber's so we made it into a dog. She thought it was the coolest thing but the funny thing was, when I was taking her picture with it, I had to take it 5 times because she just didn't look good enough in any of them. She already has a complex at 5!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008

One Hot Momma!

Chloe decided that after she got out of the bath tub, she was going to dress up in her old dance outfits and dance for me. We found one piece of the outfit and so she paired that with a skirt. Let's just say she thought she was hot stuff. She did the "run way" walk over and over and would check herself out in the mirror everytime she passed it. I was cracking up. Then we had to get the microphone out and pretend like we were singing and then she was interviewing me. Quite the imagination she has.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Off to the Pumpkin Patch

Today after Sunday School we headed to Huber's to the pumpkin patch with Granny, Pappy & Aunt Sarah. We decided to eat at IHop first, which was delicious. That was my first time eating there. Chloe got a pancake with a face on it. The eyes were strawberries, the nose was whip cream and the mouth was bananna slices. It was too cute. Then we headed to Huber's. We had a beautiful day, it was hot but beautiful and crowded. We took advantage of the photo ops first and then got in line for the tractor ride to the pumpkin patch. We were all very impressed with the selection of pumpkins this year, they had so many good ones to choose from. Obviously, we took lots of photos there too. After we had our pumpkin we headed over to the kid area where Chloe fed the animals, played on the playground and we did the Bamboo maze. Over all we had a good day but we were all wore out by the time it was over. Crazy that it's in the 80's in October!!