Saturday, May 31, 2008

Busy Day.

Chloe & her friends waiting to get pictures made.

Chloe drying off at the park

Isn't she beautiful!

Chloe reading the yard sale merchendise.

Posing for mommy

Chloe playing in the water with her new friends.

Today was definitely a busy day for us all. Chloe and I got up very early to get ready for the yard sale. It was a big success. We got rid of so much stuff and that was our main goal. Yea for mommy and daddy! Not to long after the yard sale started Chloe and mommy had to get ready for Chloe's dance pictures so we headed inside to curl the hair (which Chloe cried the entire time) and get our make-up on. Chloe looked so beautiful all dressed up in her costume, she looked so grown up. After pictures we headed back to mawmaw's to finish up the yard sale. I will never understand what possessed me to have a yard sale on the same day as her pictures. I was stressed out! Once we got home from the yard sale, mommy and daddy worked on packing b/c we are moving this Thursday!!!! We decided to take a break and went to the park so Chloe could play in the water. She made some friends as usual, it never takes her long to meet new people. s

Friday, May 30, 2008

Yard Sale Preparations

Chloe and daddy helping set up for the yardsale.

Chloe checking out all the toys.

We'll today was my long day at work. I was there from 8 am until 6:45 pm and we were slammed! As soon as I got off I headed straight to my mom's to start pricing and setting stuff out for the yard sale tomorrow. I suckered Jeff and Chloe into helping me so we could get done faster. I just hope now it doesn't rain tomorrow. Chloe got to go on her first field trip today at the YMCA. They went bowling and she said she got two strikes and then she said "We'll I think". So who knows if she really did or not. She seems to really like going there. Mommy feels guilty that we don't get to spend much time together anymore but hopefully once we move and get settled, I can make up for it.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

It's finally in!!!

Coming out of dance class.

Chloe watching a movie on the long trip home from dance.

Chloe was cracking up b/c that tutu wouldn't lay right.

We weren't sure why the tutu wouldn't lay down.
We all couldn't quit laughing.

This is the skirt for her tap routine.

We'll the long awaited costume finally came in. As soon as I got off work, I headed straight home to pick Chloe up for dance class. It's almost over and I am glad I won't have to drive all the way out to Mt. Washington anymore. As soon as we got to dance they handed out the costumes which we have been waiting for forever. Of course they were worth the wait! They are adorable. Now we will head back out there on Saturday morning for pictures. It's a lot of work to get ready for recital but it's definitely worth it in the end. Chloe absolutely loves it and looks beautiful on recital day.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Long Day

We'll we have no pictures today. Nothing too exciting happened today. Chloe did get to start at the YMCA with daddy today. She will get to go all summer and mommy won't have to take her any where!!! Yippee for mommy. Daddy will get to see what it's like to have to get her up and get her ready to go some where. I love it! She was excited today because her teacher at the YMCA was someone we use to go to church with and she has a little girl Chloe's age. She was very excited to see Mallory, her little friend. After Mommy got home from work, her and daddy worked on getting more stuff ready for the yard sale and then off to bed. We were all very tired. I promise to have pictures tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Her Name!

Chloe writing her name.

Good job Chloe!

Today Chloe was suppose to have dance pictures taken but again, her costume was not in. This is the 3rd time we were told they would be in and were not. So now they are suppose to be in Thursday and pictures have been reschuled for Saturday. I will be so glad when this recital is over. Mommy hasn't felt good for the past few days so she finally went to the doctor today and got some medicine. When we got home Chloe wanted to draw her name. She also wanted to write "I love mommy". How sweet. She is my sweet baby! In the LONG video, she is writing her name and I love mommy which she messed up on and had to redo it. Some days she can be so sweet and then others she can be a little terd.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

This is the mess mommy created trying to clean the bedroom out!

Aunt Sarah giving mommy make up tips for Chloe's dance pictures.

Chloe had to check out her make up each time Aunt Sarah did something.

Chloe's hair after mommy got done rolling it.

Side view. Doesn't Chloe look thrilled??

We'll we didn't do much celebrating today. We have way too much to do to get ready to move. We all slept in today and yes Chloe ended up in bed with me before the morning. Once we were all up, mommy got up and fixed breakfast, which is a shocker, for everyone. Once breakfast was over it was time for us to get to work. Daddy headed out to the garage to get things set out for the yard sale this Saturday and mommy started working in their bedroom. It's amazing to see how much "STUFF" you accumulate over the years. Chloe was entertained with the computer by playing disney preschool on line. This is what most of our day consisted of. In the late afternoon we headed to walmart to find white fancy socks for Chloe's dance recital and then over to Granny and Pappy's for dinner and a make up lesson for mommy from Aunt Sarah. According to Chloe, Aunt Sarah is the make up expert! Chloe has dance pictures tomorrow night so we had to come home and get her hair in curlers so that it would be good and curled for tomorrow. Oh the joys of being a girly girl!!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Playing at Mawmaw's

Chloe ready for church.

Chloe & Joshua playing "basketball"

Barbie going for a dip in the pool

Chloe & Joshua playing with the barbie pool.

Today after we went to church we headed over to mawmaw's house for a birthday dinner for mommy and Jordan. Of course Chloe and Joshua went straight outside to play. They both were practicing their basketball skills. Chloe actually made it in twice, as you will see in the video below. She was so proud, she ran inside to tell everyone. After dinner they decided to play with Chloe's barbie pool. They were hilarious talking to each other with the barbies. Oh the joys of childhood. I remember playing with my barbie dolls!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

5 yr old Pictures!

After I got off work today I took Chloe to finally get her 5 yr old pictures made. I know, I am a few months late but I have been a very busy lady. Chloe did such a good job, she smiled on cue every time. Mommy was very proud. Yes, I normally take them myself but with getting ready to move, all my stuff is packed up. It was very hard paying someone else to take pictures but I must say, it was nice not having to fight with her to pose for me. LOL. After we got done with pictures, we went to Gatti Land with Mrs. Lori. Of course, I forgot my camera, can you believe that!!! Chloe's favorite game was ski ball. She did pretty good!

Friday, May 23, 2008

I Love Ice Cream!

We'll today was my long day at work, by the time I get home on Friday's I am wore out. Chloe was at my mom's all day and she had a blast since it was just her and not Joshua (my nephew). MawMaw said she was the perfect little girl. That's what mommy likes to hear. MawMaw had to go to the work today for a little bit and so Chloe talked her into going into the gift shop and buying a prize. Imagine that. LOL. She got "Snowball" a pink & white webkin kitty cat. She also talked her into a ken doll at Wal-mart. Like she needs another toy!! When we got home we both wanted ice cream so I made us each an orange sherbert ice cream cone. Or as Chloe calls it "spongebob ice cream".

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Let's see how easy this is!

We'll I am following the footsteps of others. They all say this is easy and anyone could do it. I love looking everyday at everyone blogs and seeing what their family is up too for the day. I also love sharing stories, news and pictures of Chloe. Every mom is proud of their child but many say I go a little overboard sometimes because I love sharing every little detail about her and the things she has done. I hope with this blog I can share Chloe's accomplishments and everyday dealings and show how proud I am of her. I hope everyone enjoys and checks us out daily.